Welcome to Cherry Creek High School Athletic Registration
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For the 2024-2025 CHSAA calendar, CLICK HERE
Registrations for Spring 2025 sports are now open.
Spring sports include Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Soccer, Boys Swimming, Girls Tennis, Track & Field, and Boys Volleyball.
Tryouts will be on February 17 for Boys Swimming and Boys Volleyball.
Tryouts for Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis, and Track & Field will be on February 24.
The deadline to register will be on February 5 for Boys Swimming and Boys Volleyball, and on February 12 for the remaining Spring Sports.
Please ensure that you upload a current and valid physical to the registration. Any missing or incomplete information on the physical form will be returned to you and may delay your student being cleared to tryout.
Registration through the Athletics office is mandatory and is separate from any other registration processes you may have completed through the specific sport or associated booster club.
You must receive a clearance from the Athletics office prior to tryouts.
Registrations received after the dates shown above are at risk of not being processed in time for tryouts - so get your registrations submitted early! Please read details below to ensure your registration is complete.
Spring sports include: Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Soccer, Boys Swimming, Girls Tennis,Track & Field, and Boys Volleyball.
Prior to being cleared to try-out or practice for any sport, each student athlete must have the online athletic registration completed, the athletic fee paid, and a current and valid physical on file. Athletes will not be allowed to try out until all 3 parts are completed.
CHSAA has mandated an updated Pre-Participation Physical Exam form must be used effective immediately (April 2024). This is the ONLY physical exam form that will be accepted for registrations that require a new physical exam be provided. A previously approved physical that is on file and valid (within the last 365 days) will remain valid until the expiration date. At that time the new forms must be used. No exceptions! The updated forms can be found on the link above, on the left under quick links, or through the Athletic Office. (Additional information and a link is also below.)
You MUST ensure that ALL sections of page 4 are complete including the signatures are the bottom of the page. Any incomplete forms will be returned.
Please read the details below regarding registration requirements.
There is also information to the left under the Quick Links section.
Office Number: 720-554-2485
Josh Yamaguchi: Joshua.Yamaguchi@uchealth.org
Cristina Navarro: Cristina.Navarro@uchealth.org
Athletes will NOT be allowed to try out or practice until the following items are completed:
Online Registration - This registration is to register with the Athletics Office. You may also be asked to register through the specific sport or Booster Club for that sport which is a seperate process from the Athletics Registration. You must register and be cleared by the Athletics Office in order to tryout.
Current Physical from doctor uploaded - CLICK HERE for the Athletics Physical Form. Please note: CHSAA has mandated an updated Pre-Participation Physical Exam form must be used effective immediately (April 2024). This is the ONLY form that will be accepted. Individual doctor's, clinic, or hospital forms will not be accepted - no exceptions. Please upload page 4 only. This form will not be considered valid unless all sections are complete. Again, no exceptions. Physicals are valid for one year/365 days from the date of the physical exam, and they must be submitted and approved by the athletics office before you can try-out. An athlete will not be cleared if the physical is submitted using the wrong form, is incomplete or missing any information.
Athletic Fee paid online
Clearance by the Athletics Office - email will be sent to parent confirming clearance
Please contact the Athletics Office if your Student ID is not recognized.
For all other registration issues, please contact the site host at support@rschooltoday.com
or you may call 612-605-1623 for website help, log-in issues, etc.
Click the icon below to begin CCHS athletic registration
When you register, be sure to use your student's last name exactly as it is in PowerSchool.
If you have already set up a family account, please use that account and do not set up an additional account.
Email: pgraham3@cherrycreekschools.org
Email: claluzerne@cherrycreekschools.org